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When you or a loved one becomes ill or is a victim of an accident, only one group can answer the call to
assist you in getting you back on your feet and back home right where you belong. The team at Centers for Specialty Care, is comprised of industry experts all share on goal. Ensuring that those people in need of care are rehabilitated so that the can Live Well.
Centers for Specialty Care Group is the only multi level - multi care group in the region. Whether it is our world renowned hip and knees program at the Queens Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare or the newly redesigned on-site dialysis offered at the Bronx Centers for Rehabilitation and Healthcare. The compassion is unsurpassed and the care is incomparable. For those requiring an environment. With the solace of the country while not jeopardizing the level of care they?ve come to expect from the city, Rome Center and Chittenango Center are the ideal homes. Nestled on over two acres of scenic land this Rome Center provides the comfort and dependability for which we are known.
Just north of New York City in the foothills of the Berkshires is our hidden treasure the Dutchess Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare a modern well established facility where we achieve to provide the best care possible, or staff has become world renowned in the field of Bariatrics, providing the most comprehensive rehabilitation for those recovering from Bariatric procedures.
With over 100 years of combined experience Brooklyn Center for Rehabilitation and Residential Health Care and Bushwick Center for Rehabilitation offer the convenience of location. Bushwick Center is the leading provider in East Brooklyn, nearly a full city block with patios and gardens as tailored and cared for as the care plan uniquely prepared for you. Bushwick Centers culturally diverse professional staff is dedicated to ensuring that the residents of the community get the best care possible so that they can quickly return to their families. Brooklyn Center for Rehabilitation and Health Care located in the heart of Brooklyn is the ideal place for those who require a long term living solution. The Brooklyn Centers warm and cheerful ambiance is only complimented by the dedication compassion and dignity of the caregivers in the facility.
The kidneys have important roles in maintaining health. When healthy, the kidneys maintain the body's internal equilibrium of water and minerals (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfate). Those acidic metabolism end products that the body cannot get rid of via respiration are also excreted through the kidneys. The kidneys also function as a part of the endocrine system producing erythropoietin and calcitriol. Erythropoietin is involved in the production of red blood cells and calcitriol plays a role in bone formation.. Dialysis treatments replace some of these functions through diffusion (waste removal) and ultra filtration.
The Bronx Center for Renal Dialysis is a brand new state of the art Dialysis Center, ideal for those individuals who can benefit from having on site dialysis, during their rehabilitation
Bariatric Therapy
Dutchess Center has assumed the leadership role in the provision of comprehensive Bariatric rehabilitative health care, offering individuals the opportunity to develop skills essential to restoring their independence. The program specializes in the emotional and physical well being of our Bariatric Residents, and combines rehabilitation, weight loss management, nutritional techniques and exercise to assist residents in their recovery
As well as educating our residents as to the importance of maintain their new lifestyle.
Comprehensive Hip and Knee Rehabilitation
At the Queens Center for Rehabilitation, we understand that setting goals is the best way to achieve a successful rehabilitation outcome. When starting your rehab, after surgery or an accident, our team of Physical and Occupational therapists will carefully determine what is it that we need to accomplish by the end of your program. Goals are always very individualized, but then again so is the rehabilitation process. Once we have set your goals, your rehab team will sit with you to discuss them. The rehabilitation center is fully equipped with a kitchen, as well as a car to ensure that you are prepared for your return to the community. Our Therapists ensure that you receive any assistive devices you may need and train you on their use.
Long Term Rehabilitation ? Coming Soon
Short Term Rehabilitation ? Coming Soon

1 888 88 Live Well
Fax (718) 874-0033

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